
Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Future Predictions

What do you expect in the next 40 years: Alvin Toffler has announced predictions

Alvin Toffler, born in 1928, is one of the most influential voices in business and the intellectual. With the publication of his first works, "Future Shock" Toffler has created a new discipline, futurology, based on the study of change and the impact this has on business and culture. Thanks to Toffler, futurology is now regarded as the science that defines the forces and trends shaping the future in today's economy, based on information.

Other books published by Alvin Toffler, became bestseller shortly after publication, including "Third Wave", "War and antiwar", "power in motion" and, recently, "Creating a new civilization".

Over the next 40 years, women will have an unprecedented discretion, Muslim migration to the West will increase, and going to the office will not be outdated, says American writer and futurist Alvin Toffler.

South Africa will benefit from sustained economic growth, while the Middle East will become "a mixture of religions, religious and ethnic movements," says the study conducted by Toffler Associates, a consulting writer and futurist set of American successful Alvin Toffler, author of famous novel "Future Shock" published in 1970.

In the same year, Alvin Toffler said that science and technology will grow at a pace so fast that most people will not be able to "digest" the flow of information and will be tempted to "disconnect" from the pace of life too thrilling.

Many of his predictions concerning the rapid transmission of information, acceptance of gay marriages and accelerating the production of ecological disasters, came true in the years that followed.

For four decades, Alvin Toffler says that a growing number of people will grow their own vegetables and produce their own food, to depend more than large manufacturers and distributors of food.

Broadband Internet will become a true standard in the field, and videoconferencing, have already become common practice today, will allow future employees to not go to office and work from anywhere in the world.

Only a few countries will be considered in the future "police states" - mainly North Korea and Iran.

China will strengthen its status as a major economic power, will ally with Brazil and India to influence exchange rates of currencies, but also Venezuela and several African countries to secure energy needs.

United States of America will depend on China to supply seven rare metals indispensable for the manufacture of consumer goods, but also specific devices and products such as radar, weapons, wind turbines and hybrid vehicles.

Developing alternative energy will create "losers in a post-oil world" like Saudi Arabia, Iran, Iraq, some Gulf states, but also Russia and Venezuela.

Christianity will expand in Southern Hemisphere countries, and many Muslims emigrate to Western countries.

Climate change will create a series of conflicts, and melting glaciers will lead to the discovery of new mineral and petroleum. Increase water oceans and seas will cause massive displacement of population in coastal areas.

Aging population will increase by four times the world total expenditure on pensions and care for the elderly and the American health insurance will cease to exist in its current form.

In turn, women will occupy more and more important positions, the percentage of women in management positions projected to reach a level unimaginable a few years ago.

The rapidity with which information will be transmitted will cause humanity to take was "petabyte's", a unit of storage and computing power is already higher than uzitatului gigabyte, DB 2000 HDD to store all mankind culture since it is and to this day.

Cluster policy will continue and will require, and in the next period to be groups of companies and big corporations not currently.

Energy source of the future will consist of:

- Capturing and storing solar energy;

- Use of nuclear fission;

- Use free energy;

- Use of vacuum energy;

- Use of magneto-gravitational energy;

and determine a new type of civilization, with other features than the current, defined as oil civilization.


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