
Monday, February 20, 2012

Ancient Egyptian Gods and Goddess Facts

ancient Egypt that throughout the nation's tumultuous history various pharaohs would stop at nothing to insure the public believed they had received the divine right to rule from the ancient Egyptian gods themselves. One pharaoh, a female nonetheless, even went so far as to concoct a wild story to insure her subjects saw her as divinely appointed by Hatshepsut. Except for a brief period of time when Akhenaten tried to instill a monotheistic dedication to one god, the nation was ruled by numerous Egyptian gods and goddess.

Ancient Egyptian Gods Goddesses
Egyptian mythology was so complex and interrelated that much attention was given to the Egyptian gods family tree and the Egyptian gods names. It was quite common to see gods become one with another god as well as to be known by many Egyptian gods names. During the three thousand year history of the polytheistic religion of Egypt was comprised of a very complex system of Egyptian gods and goddesses. To name the Egyptian gods in totality would be quite lengthy. Below is a brief discussion of some of the more well known Egyptian gods.

The Egypt god Amon-Re is an amalgamation of two separate gods who became combined in the city of Thebes, where the pharaohs lived and ruled. He was primarily considered to be the god of the pharaohs and represented wind, fertility and secrets.

Horus the falcon god
Horus the Egyptian falcon god is known by many names throughout Egypt, however he is most commonly associated with the falcon. He is believed to have been the son on Osiris and Isis the goddess of magic. One of the most well known symbols associated with Egypt is the Eye of Horus; which symbolized power.

Seth the Egyptian god is also referred to as Setekh and Set. He was associated with war and strength, storms and deserts. He was often believed to be in conflict with Horus Egyptian falcon god. At various times throughout the history of Egypt, the two deities vied for popularity and power among the Egyptian people.

Isis the goddess of magic
Isis the goddess of magic, was also considered to be the goddess of fertility. One of the most famous legends involving Isis putting the body of her husband back together after he was killed by Seth the Egyptian god, impregnating herself with his body and giving birth to their son Horus Egyptian falcon god.

Anubis the god of death
Among every one of the the ancient Egyptian gods Anubis is actually the particular specific whom was preferred in order to be the god of death as well as dying. He is actually furthermore regarded as the god associated with the underworld. His image is actually commonly observed because the actual guardian of tombs and the bodies held in.

Ancient Egyptian crocodile gods are quite prominent within Egyptian mythology. Sobek, is one of the most well known Egyptian gods associated with the crocodile. He is usually seen either completely as a crocodile or as a combination between human form and crocodile, symbolizing the strength of the Egyptian pharaohs.


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