
Sunday, November 25, 2012

Why Is Organic Chemistry So Difficult?

Fact: Organic Chemistry exams are designed to be difficult Have you ever taken a course where you just knew you were going to ace the class? The material wasn't difficult, the exams were rather straight-forward, and with just a bit of effort the 'A' grade was guaranteed! Organic chemistry is the exact opposite. Not only is the material overwhelmingly difficult, but even if you do master the material you may find yourself struggling to get the correct answers to the questions posed on your exams. Why do they do that? Organic chemistry is a course of understanding. By simply giving you information and testing in an easy way, the professor cannot ensure or even determine if you truly understand the information. And perhaps this may work in your favor for the first exam. (and you're probably thinking, sure, why not?) This strategy would only wind up hurting you down the line. If you ace your easy first exam, you probably do not have a solid foundation on the concepts covered. Perhaps you memorized just enough to pass knowing that the examination process would be pain free. But what about the second exam? and the third, and so on? Organic chemistry is a topic that keeps building upon itself, and if you just glance the material in the beginning you will be lost for the rest of the course. Without really delving into the information to understand the why and how of each topic, you will NOT have the foundation needed to answer more and more complex questions down the line. And so the exam questions will NOT be easy. Half of the questions will be designed to trick you or strip you of points by making you miss out on a vital concept or two. And if that's not enough, the exam will ALSO contain too many questions for the average student to complete in the allotted time. Why? Because if you KNOW that the exam will be difficult and tricky, you will study very differently. Your studies will not be a mere skim of the information, instead they will be in depth, concept focused, practice oriented, study study study. And if you study in this manner you will wind up, now only with the ability to ace this difficult exam, but also with a foundation so strong and solid, that you will be able to add the new material to your reference base with little difficulty. It's true that organic chemistry exams are difficult, too short, and low averaging. But if YOU prepare differently compared to the average student, then you may very well be the study who aces the exam and scores well above the curve. And taking this a step further, you will also be the student who enters the next year of studies with a strong organic chemistry foundation. In order to ensure that you succeed in organic chemistry you may require outside help. Come on over to learn more about organic chemistry tips and tricks, and maybe watch a video tutorial or two


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